Soiler disc harrow
The Soiler disc harrow is a high-performance device for the surface treatment of stubble and effective soil preparation before sowing. The two-tier system of disks, which is complemented by the levelling roller, efficiently cuts the top layer of the cultivation area, crumbles lumps, aerates and loosens the seedbed. A well-aerated soil with mixed harvest residues creates ideal conditions for crop growth. With improved comfort for the tractor driver, it allows easy tillage in a single passage up to a depth of 15 cm.
Upgrades and accessories
LEVELLING ROLLER / designed for crumbling small lumps and levelling the cultivation area. The solid construction allows it to maintain a constant operating height. Suitable for processing dry and wet soil.
HYDRAULIC DEPTH ADJUSTMENT SYSTEM / provides an easy, stepless adjustable cultivation depth, fixed by built-in spacers.
FLEXIBLE DISC POSITION / allows different combinations of distances between individual discs, thus achieving the optimal cultivation of even the most demanding soil types.
SIDE PANEL / keeps the soil within the cultivation strip. In order to achieve the maximum effect, it allows position adjustments.
DISCS ON RUBBER SPRINGS / provide even more even soil cultivation. The force of the spring increases the crumbling effect, while at the same time it contributes significantly to the comfort of the tractor driver.